Increase Your Dating By Reading tao of badass review

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It seems like one of the hardest things men go through is honest is dating women. We're even lucky if we have the guts to make eye contact with them. I can relate I use to watch the movie Hitch to increase my chances with dating women. But after seeing Will Smith a thousand times, It was a must find something new to help me.

So going online and spending countless of hours of searching nothing really caught my attention. Most of the stuff that I saw were just some things that were self explanatory like iron your clothes or brush your teeth.

One day a good friend of mine sent me an email about the tao of badass guide.  This guide author name is Joshua Pellicer who is one of the leading dating expert in the world. Joshua has helped tons of guys increase their dating. So the first thing I thought was not another "Love Guru". So going on hes website I was already hooked simply the amount of free information he had on there.

He gives good information such as "5 Reasons Why Women Reject Men", "How To Make Woman Approach You", And The Best Ways To Keep A Conversion Going. Just to name a few, If that doesn't impress you he also provides you with 10 videos on to "Attract Hotter Women" .I think of it like this, If he's giving out all this free information imagine how good he's paid information is This led me to purchase his course which is $67 .

Ill go over a brief summary of a few of the books that comes with your purchase. Never Get Cheated On If a women cheats on you it's not her fault, it's yours. The reason is because you lack awareness of what she needed. Joshua also goes in on the Do's and Don'ts if you suspect if your girlfriend is cheating on you such as. *Don't go through her emails or personal stuff. Doing that makes you look like a psycho.. Do ask her point blank don't use any names or ask her if she cheated on you with someone specifically.

Don't seek cheat on her for revenge as revenge. "Escaping The Friend Zone" Ever been forced into the friend zone by a girl you really liked? Worse feeling ever I rather drink car oil than to be in the friend zone. In the book, Joshua talks about how to make sure you don't end up in the friend zone and signs of that you are An example that your in the friend zone is when she starts to say "I'm glad you around". One of the ways to make sure you're, not in the friend zone is to buildrapport, But there's a certain way that it needs to be When you read the book, you will see what I mean. "Guide To Breaking Up" Lets be honest a break up is anything but an easy task.

I'm sure you know people that are unhappy in their relationship, but refuse to break up with them. In this book, Joshua gives tips on how to deal with a break up. One tip he mentions is to clear up a large amount of time Because you can't just break up with a women immediately. He goes in more detail why that's a horrible approach and what it can do to your ex girl friend.

"Monogamy Vs Polyamory" Joshua talks about whether dating one women or multiple are good. Your going to have to read this book to find out what he suggests and the reason why he came up with it The way he came up with this motto proved to me that he's not some "Love Guru". Joshua Pellicer "The Tao Of Bad Ass" is a must read for any guy that's tired of being home in Friday night.

Another thing I love about Tao is the fact that you can use these tips anywhere. I recently used two of he's tips to help me close a deal that helped me earn an extra $100 bucks. I know it's not a lot of money, but I can honestly say I got my money back and profited from hes books can't go wrong. Plus for the price he's asking for that's less than a dinner and movie. Stop being a wimp and purchase Joshua Pellicer "The Tao Of Bad Ass".